& Planning Consultancy
FREE Invoice finance review
Strategy design & execution
Critical path planning & management
Exit strategy & planning
Accessing funding & finance
M&A 'Commercial Due Diligence' service
Leadership coaching & business mentoring
Non Exec & Advisory Board roles undertaken
Organisational Performance & Capability
De-biasing talent acquisition process
Invoice finance & back office provider selection service
Intermediary supplier selection PSL managed process
Creating performance improvement cultures
Dashboard / scorecard design & management
Operational excellence frameworks
Business Development
& Growth
Future proofing your business proposition
Designing, implementing & delivering RPO solutions
Dynamic business development pipelines
Sales & marketing strategy development & execution
Value proposition development (Products & Markets)
Key account management frameworks
Developing winning cultures
Succeeding with bids & tenders
Leadership Coaching
& Mentoring
Fractional and part-time interim roles are regularly undertaken by Milestones, such as:
Chairperson (board and committee)
Non-Exec Director
Advisory Board Member
CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
CCO (Chief Commercial Officer)
CSO (Chief Strategy Officer)
Transformation & Change programme manager or project manager
Committee Member; Governance, Audit, Risk, Strategy, Growth, L&D
Do your competitors view you as a threat? Can all of your employees confidently articulate your business strategy? Are they empowered enough to execute it?
Milestones work hard to combine strategic insight, analysis, and industry expertise to help clients develop and deliver winning strategies. We work closely with you on the design, implementation, and management of your business strategy so you can achieve goals bespoke to your business.
We will help you to develop a strategy, assist with business planning, and ensure you achieve your desired exit plan. We follow a tried and tested 3 Stage method in working with you to ensure success:
Facilitated face to face on-site Strategy session with all relevant stakeholders cover 18 critical areas of discovery and understanding
Facilitated feedback session for the delivery, discussion and review of; the 3/5 Year Business Strategy for Growth, the 12-month tactical business Critical Path Plan and the exit/target goal approach report
6-9 month review
Businesses are notoriously poor at; getting quality business data, utilising the management & business information they have, and acting upon it.
Milestones bespoke dashboards and scorecards can help you track your business performance, analyse trends, drive efficiencies, improve effectiveness, Understand customers better - whatever you need it to do really.
Milestones provide a facilitated one day workshop to determine the development and measurement of your key metrics and determine the design of your dashboard and scorecards. Our workshop Is focused on the following:
You can then choose to work closely or remotely with us, to put in place a programme to help you achieve your goals using these tools
Acquiring and retaining new business can be challenging. Everything from setting the right business development strategy through to tender writing is highly specialised. The great news is that all businesses have clients with substantial untapped potential, and often tapping into that can transform both client and business profitability.
Milestones support clients at all stages of the business development cycle via our complete, end-to-end solutions. We assist in the development of your Sales & Marketing Strategy, examine your Winning Bids and Tender Process, and help you increase performance through dynamic sales pipelines.
Our Key Account Management & Prospect Planning (KAMPP) programme is a great way to maximise potential and create a 'game-changing' opportunity for your business. Our programme is proven to deliver with clients using this now for over 10 years to great success. It follows a simple process that ensures success:
Design and delivery of your bespoke KAMPP masterclass* for 1-8 delegates
Follow-up 1:1 coaching to all delegates
*Delivered in a 'train the trainer style' with the transfer of all course IP, documentation and support materials allowing you to own the process internally
Other consultancy businesses offer free online business health checks, but you won’t find one here. Milestones cannot truly understand your business from an anonymous tick box. What about your culture? Your workplace environment? Your team dynamic? To make assumptions about you would go against our company ethos, which is all about developing meaningful and long-term relationships and truly making a positive difference.
The Milestones Business Health Check looks forensically at your organisations capability & performance. It allows you to get a real understanding of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. We work together and dive into 9 critical success areas with a focus on both cause and effect:
Great Leadership
Clarity of Strategy
People Approach
Value Adding Partners
Systems, Processes & Proposition
Customer Performance
Employee Advocacy and Culture
Society and Environment
Business Results
The key output will be a detailed report which will score and benchmark each of the nine critical areas, setting you on a path of improvement towards excellence.
5. INDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP IMPACT ASSESSMENT (one off FREE trial for new clients, register below)
Our process will help leaders and aspiring leaders understand how they can make their own game-changing impact. Milestones utilises the GC Index® which has the potential to help you supercharge your career. It provides you with a framework and language to maximise your contribution and understand the contribution of others at work. The GC Index® gives you the insight needed to make your game-changing contribution.
Discover how you make an impact, Learn how to take advantage of strengths, Accelerate your career, Gain the insight to perform at your best & Achieve a happier life
The GC Index® personal profile and consultation includes:
A confidential link to complete The GC Index® (this takes just 5-10 minutes to complete)
Once completed the GCologist will take you through your detailed personal The GC Index® profile outlining how you can make a game-changing impact through…
Engaging and influencing
Creativity and innovation
Getting things done
Thriving not just surviving
Collaborative working
… and leave you with Top Tips for making the best impact in your current role and future career.
Milestones works hand in glove with supporting leaders and leadership teams develop and become more impactful. Milestones adopt the effective TGROW approach, which we've found mutually rewarding with our clients down the years.
Topic - Decide on subject(s) for discussion
Goal - Agree on measurable output
Reality - Describe current situation & uncover real issues
Options - draw out & review solutions and select preferred solution
Wrap-up - Discuss implications, Commit to action steps, Identify/support/check goal achievement
We have a structured framework, that is a proven approach but not restrictive. In our humble experience having a fluid and organic approach usually works best within a structured framework:
1x Initial 'kick-off' meeting: Face to face morning or afternoon session, to revisit GCIndex assessment, discuss any existing 'development action plans' that exist formally or informally, set; expectations, deliverables, outcomes and measures of success, AoB and agree a fluid development action plan aligned to personal and business requirements.
4x Quarterly review session: Face to face 2-3 hour meeting, to allow a reflection on the previous period, explore challenges, review success and to look forward/plan for the coming period
8x Monthly update sessions: Virtual 60-90 min meeting, to provide ongoing support as a wrap around the quarterly reviews
Unlimited* ad-hoc support: Providing accessible support as and when required, be that phone, text, whatsapp, dedicated 'slack channel' and email
1x Annual review: Fresh GCIndex assessment completed, to act as a catalyst around a a morning or afternoon session, to review coaching/mentoring performance against expectations and set out any further support requirements for the coming 12 months.
*24/7 access within a fair use informal policy
Harnessing the power of the individuals to maximise the impact a team can make is at the heart of this process. Improving team cohesion, improving collective decision making and establishing how everyone will positively impact to the success of the team is our focus. If someone is making a positive contribution to a team that is valued by others then they can start to feel genuinely included and fully engaged.
The GC Index Team Report is outcomes focussed and gives a basis and focus for team collaboration. The Team Report provides a structure, language and framework for how all members of the team can contribute to team objectives.
An Aggregate The GC Index® Score for the Team;
Observations for each individual’s impact on the team
Observations of the impact of the Team as a whole
Detailed Team Diagnostic as follows:
What are the team’s strengths?
What is the likely culture of this team?
What will be valued, held in regard?
What is this team likely to pay least attention to?
What tensions are likely to arise in this team?
What are the gaps/potential weaknesses in this team?
What would you propose for development or new team members?
Detailed recommendations for driving team performance across Creativity and Game-Changing, Strategy and Direction, Implementation and Learning & Innovation